
100th post!!

And it only took almost four years. No, I am not the best blogger in the world. I can live with that.

So i turn 35 tomorrow and have been having a minor milestone-birthday freakout. Just the usual stuff, but I'm already pretty down in general, so it's been weepy time around here. Oh well, I'll just go back to flirting on line with 25 year-olds. Apparently that makes me a puma. Neat.

In other news, well, I'm not in school right now due to a financial aid snafu, and I'm still not sure I'll be able to go back in the spring. Other than that, I'm really depressed right now and nothing seems to be helping. Light box, new meds, all for naught. But we're working on it, so hopefully it will turn around. I have been making self-destructive lists in my head, though. Pros and cons, mostly. OK, let's be honest, mostly cons. And no, I'm not whining, just having a pity party. There's a big difference. Really.

Wow, this is really negative. I suppose I should be glad to still be alive after 35 years. In caveman times I would've been dead by now, so I guess I'm doing pretty well, all things considered. Enough of this maudlin post. I'll come back another day when I don't feel quite so much like a dinosaur. TTFN!!


I am NOT getting sick...

I mean it. I don't care that my TMJ is acting up, or that I had a migraine today despite the fact that I've been on daily preventative meds for almost a month. I will NOT get paranoid that I haven't had an H1N1 shot yet. I WILL NOT GET SICK.

That is all, as I'm going to bed so I don't get sick.


Keara's (VERY partial) rules for the appreciation of rock & roll music, Part 1

This is mostly for Cory, but I figure it applies to everyone, so here you go...
  • AC/DC is always cool. No matter what.
  • Led Zeppelin is almost always cool.
  • Pink Floyd is apparently only cool if you're stoned, so in your case, Pink Floyd is NEVER cool.
  • Metallica WAS cool until about 1989. Anything before the Black Album is cool. The Black Album itself is not particularly cool, but it was crazy popular, so if you have to listen to a song, just act like it's lame. Anything after the Black Album is strictly forbidden. (Load is the most appropriately named album in the history of music.) The jury is still out on the new album. (Edit-so far the new one seems OK, but it will require more listens to be sure.)
  • Judas Priest is cool, unless you're at a gay bar, in which case it's sort of ironic and still OK.
  • For some reason, Whitesnake is always cool.
  • Hairbands from the 80's, in general, are severely uncool. The problem is they are fun to listen to. You'll have to use your best judgement.
  • Buddy Holly is the supreme King of cool. If anyone tries to disagree, they know nothing about the history of rock & roll. Therefore, their opinion is inconsequential.
  • Elvis, Johnny Cash, Eric Clapton, Bob Dylan, and Jimi Hendrix are always cool. (This is just an example. Ask (someone who is not your mother) if you're not sure about other artists.)
  • The blues are cool. Stevie Ray Vaughan, B.B. King, Muddy Waters, the list goes on.
  • The Beatles are cool. There are some Beatles songs, however, which are not. Use your best judgement.
  • Oldies are goodies. Don't dismiss something just because it was made before your parents were born.
  • The Rolling Stones are cool. Mick Jagger, however, has done some pretty uncool duets. Avoid them at all costs.
  • David Bowie is cool, even when he's not. Which, sometimes, he really really isn't.
  • In general, artists who write their own songs are cooler than those who don’t.
  • Punk is rock & roll. Don’t let anyone convince you it’s not.
  • Pop, in general, is not rock & roll. (I’m looking at you, Nickelback.) Not that there isn’t cool pop out there, because there is, it just isn't rock & roll.
  • Disco is neither pop nor rock. Unless you're at a wedding dance, disco is pretty much the least cool music there is.
  • Jazz can be the coolest thing ever. It can also suck. Ask someone who knows.
  • Elvis is cool. Bloated, jumpsuit, Vegas Elvis is hard to love, but still cool. Elvis Costello is also cool.
  • Boy bands are supremely uncool. Fun to sing along to, but uncool.
  • You can listen to music that isn't cool, just try to do it when no one is around. If you want to listen to uncool music in public, you have to commit to loving it so much that it becomes cool. Anything (except disco) can be made to seem cool if you pretend hard enough.
  • Sometimes songs are so uncool that they are, therefore, actually cool. This rule can never apply to disco.


7000 Year Flood?

So the world is ending, apparently, and I got another week off of school. Which is nice, because my "vacation", while thoroughly enjoyable, was not particularly relaxing. I will recount my travels at a later date when I can back it up with pictures. We really enjoyed Eastern Utah. Cool stuff there.

Saw Watchmen the other night. I'm really glad I took Shawn's advice and read the book first, because there are a lot of characters to keep track of. I really liked it and was surprised at how faithful it was to the book. Of course, they left some stuff out, but it would've been an eight hour movie if they hadn't. I thought all the important stuff made it in, although I would've liked a little more Minutemen action. Oh well, that's what my imagination is for, right?

I'm getting ready to register for Summer and Fall semesters, and I'm really excited because the summer class I'm taking is scheduled for the first, shorter session, so I'll have most of the summer off! Of course, this is dependent upon NDSU not being under water, so we'll see.

Much existential angst and self-defeating inner monologue has been going on the past few weeks, but it's all boring and the same old crap, so I'm not going to discuss it. Hoping the weather improves soon, though, or we all might go nuts. Anyhoo, that's enough for now, hope everyone is staying dry! TTFN!!


I bought geeky t-shirts!!!

From ThinkGeek:

Go me!!


I are suck at blogging

But you all have figured that out already, right? Anyway, I haven't really had much to blog about. Classes are going pretty well so far, the shelter is still there, and winter sucks much harder than in recent history. Spring break is coming up, though, and I am headed to Arizona. Mom & dad have been down in that area since the beginning of February and I'm flying to Phoenix to meet them and then drive back with them. I'll be gone for a week and a half, so I should be able to get my fill of warm(er, anyway) weather and NO SNOW!!! I'd say more, but I have about nine million things to do before I can leave and not nearly enough hours to do them. Aah, procrastination, how I have missed thee. TTFN!!


I suck at picking winners

Cardinals lost, Federer lost. Poo. Oh well, the Wild won last night.

A couple more movies:


Sick and tired of being sick and tired

Bleh cold bleh. I hate being sick when you're not REALLY sick. Not that I like being REALLY sick, but... Anyway, the hockey game was fabulous. I wasn't as close to The Great One as I thought I would be, but I saw him, so it was cool. Also, we were really close to the ice (3rd row close!), so it was pretty exciting. The glass bends a lot more than I thought when they smash into it. No fights, but lots of goals and some good hitting, so all in all a great success. Had sushi with Cory beforehand, so 2 of my favorite things at once! School is going well so far, lots of reading to keep me busy.

I've just begun a Netflix subscription and I've decided to post the rating I give each movie I watch. So far there are only a few:
So far I've gotten good ones! Anyhoo, it's too cold to write more, so TTFN!!!


I'm going to see "The Great One"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, that's right boys & girls. I have tickets to see the MN Wild take on the Phoenix Coyotes at the X on Tuesday night. I will be no more than ten feet from the greatest hockey player in the history of the world. And the moon. I will, in fact, be breathing the same air as one Wayne Gretzky. Go me! OK, so maybe it wasn't the most prudent use of student loan money, but we can't all be perfect now, can we? I will be attending said event with my favorite person in the world, Cory, so all will be joyous and magnificent. Those of you who saw my dorm room freshman year at UMD will know of my obsession. I actually still have that poster but it's pretty ratty at this point.

In other news, there isn't much. Just been on break from school for a while. I got 2 B's last semester, which I am absolutely thrilled with. I've been trying on bridesmaid's dresses for the upcoming wedding of Ethan & Becky, which is always interesting. There are so many styles and the samples seem to only come in a size 10. If you know me you know I haven't been a size 10 since about the fifth grade. Anyway, dress shopping is hard. I am thrilled to have been asked to participate though, so I'm happy to do it. I start back to school next week and I'm looking forward to some new classes. This semester I'll be taking Medieval Philosophy and History of Christianity, which is a retake of an unsuccessful first attempt at the class. I'm excited but a little nervous because it's been a while since I've taken a philosophy class. I like the professor, though, so it's all good.

Well, I'm actually going to retire early tonight as I haven't been sleeping well lately. Hopefully it's just a temporary thing. Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and that the new year will be filled with all kinds of good things. TTFN!!