Yes, that's right boys & girls. I have tickets to see the MN Wild take on the Phoenix Coyotes at the X on Tuesday night. I will be no more than ten feet from the greatest hockey player in the history of the world. And the moon. I will, in fact, be breathing the same air as one Wayne Gretzky. Go me! OK, so maybe it wasn't the most prudent use of student loan money, but we can't all be perfect now, can we? I will be attending said event with my favorite person in the world, Cory, so all will be joyous and magnificent. Those of you who saw my dorm room freshman year at UMD will know of my obsession. I actually still have that poster but it's pretty ratty at this point.
In other news, there isn't much. Just been on break from school for a while. I got 2 B's last semester, which I am absolutely thrilled with. I've been trying on bridesmaid's dresses for the upcoming
wedding of Ethan & Becky, which is always interesting. There are so many styles and the samples seem to only come in a size 10. If you know me you know I haven't been a size 10 since about the fifth grade. Anyway, dress shopping is hard. I am thrilled to have been asked to participate though, so I'm happy to do it. I start back to school next week and I'm looking forward to some new classes. This semester I'll be taking Medieval Philosophy and History of Christianity, which is a retake of an unsuccessful first attempt at the class. I'm excited but a little nervous because it's been a while since I've taken a philosophy class. I like the professor, though, so it's all good.
Well, I'm actually going to retire early tonight as I haven't been sleeping well lately. Hopefully it's just a temporary thing. Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and that the new year will be filled with all kinds of good things. TTFN!!