I'm sitting here still watching the triple overtime between Wisconsin and Cornell. I don't know why. I really don't care. Also, I already know who won because apparently FSN North is showing it on a tape delay. So, why am I still watching? I really don't know. Whatever. There's a Nazi thing coming on at ten, so it's buh-bye hockey then.
A fairly non-productive weekend, overall. I did get to try a new restaurant last night, though. It was Taste of Thailand on Selby Ave in St. Paul. Yum. I was afraid I wasn't going to find anything on the menu, as I don't like curry and Pad Thai is not my favorite. I shouldn't have worried. I actually had a hard time making up my mind. I ended up with a whole trout that was deep-fried and then covered in stir-fried pineapple and veggies. It had kind of a sweet sauce, and it was nummy. Go Thai food!
Well, the Nazi thing is starting, so I'm going to go. I've always been fascinated with the whole Nazi phenomenon. I just can't get my mind around so MANY people going SO insane all at once. Although, Stalin was a much scarier guy than Hitler, but that's another story. Hope everyone had a good weekend. TTFN!!!
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