
All grown up?

Am I? I certainly don't feel like it most of the time. I'm not sure if it's because I'm still living at home, or because I still haven't matriculated, or because I'm not married and have zero kids, or most likely a combination of all of the above. Whatever the reason, I find myself questioning what it really means to be a "grownup". Does it involve mortgages, or 401k's, or is it something more intangible? I know some people with mortgages who are very immature, and some people just out of college who act much older than I think they should. Regardless, I don't know if I even want to be a "grownup". It sounds boring. Does anyone really enjoy being a "grownup"?

1 spewed back:

Anonymous said...

There are definitely "grown up" things I enjoy! But I do have all that - a college degree, a mortgage, a husband, and two kids and there are many times I don't feel like a grown up. I'm going to stop there because this could get quite lengthy. Good discussion topic!