Yeah, so it's New Year's Eve again, and I am spending it with my parents. Actually, I'm spending it with my computer, but my dad is in the other room and my mom should be home around eleven. Am I feeling sorry for myself? Probably, but the fact is I did absolutely nothing to try and secure any plans more interesting than this. I'm going through one of those periods wherein my internal monologue is set on "if my friends want to see/talk to me they can dang well call me themselves" mode. I know it's self-destructive, and I know (usually I know) it's not true, but sometimes I just can't. I'm not sure what it is that I can't do, but I know I can't do it.
I know it's just as much my fault that I never see/talk to these people, but I just get tired of feeling like I'm the only one making any effort. Yes, people have children and jobs, etc. etc. But. I don't know, I suppose I'm just feeling a little selfish.
OK, enough of the pity party. On to the resolutions. I'm making the one and only resolution that I have been making since I was a junior in high school. To make it to 2009. Well, when I was a junior in high school I didn't resolve to make it to 2009, but you get the idea. So far I've always been able to accomplish it. Go me! Hope everyone's New Year is full of good stuff and all that jazz. Seriously, though, I hope everybody has a great year! TTFN!!!
PS-Don't fret, I will begin the digital camera torture soon enough, I'm just too lazy to go upstairs and get it right now.
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