
Whacked out brain thingys

Yeah, my head is all over the place today, so this may be a little, well, let's call it disjointed. I just got back from seeing Juno, which I really liked, but I didn't love. I don't know what it was, maybe they were just all way too clever. But, it did have Jason Bateman whom I have loved since forever (Little House on the Prairie).

My kitty is sick. I don't know how sick yet, but it could be really bad. Of course, it could also be not very bad at all. So I've got that to look forward to tomorrow.

On the way home from the movie, I was thinking about my long, long, loooooooooong romantic dry spell. Yeah. I've been ambivalent for years about it, which is at least partially due to my depression and the meds I take for it. I'd like to blame the drought entirely on that, but I don't think that's entirely fair. I'd also like to blame it on my various locational handicaps, but I think that's also a cop-out. I guess it boils down to a combination of laziness and not being entirely comfortable in my own skin. I think I may finally have the latter down, now I just need to work on the former. Either that or all of my married friends (you know who you are) need to get off their keesters and help a girl out, here. I mean, aren't all you married-types supposed to want everyone else to be married, too? Come on, people.

So, there's where my Thursday brain has been taking me. I also wanted to ask the people who read this whose email addresses I don't have (a Ms. DDM (or is it Mrs. DDC by now?) in particular) to either go to my profile and send me an email or comment with said address. That is all. TTFN!!!

3 spewed back:

Anonymous said...

Hope everything is OK with your kitty!!! SM

spock74 said...

Yeah, she's scheduled for surgery on Thursday. Keep those fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

Well - what for???? This seems like a perfectly logical thing to blog about!!! Inquiring minds want to know!! SM