
Look ma, a real post!

Sorry for the lame-o posts as of late. I've been pretty down in the proverbial dumps, which is not conducive to creating words that aren't absolutely necessary. However, good ol' Daylight Savings Time has kicked in, and I'm practically a new woman. I've got a few random, completely unrelated topics that have been floating around my gourd, so bear with me.

First up: I'm going to Vegas, baby. And yes, I do know how money I am. Mom & Dad left on Saturday and I'm heading out tomorrow night. Mostly I'm going because Ethan & Becky will be there, too, and I haven't seen them since Christmas, which may not seem like very long, but it's the longest I've gone without seeing Ethan in a long time. Anyhoo, I'm not a gambler but I am embarrassingly excited about Star Trek: The Experience at the Hilton. I'll be back Monday night, so it's not a long trip, but I think overall it will be a good balance of vacation/vacation from the parental units (They don't come back until Friday).

And now to the fannish portion of the post. I have just finished watching "Band of Brothers", which is a 10-part miniseries about WWII. I cannot adequately explain how good this is. If you or any member of your immediate family has any interest in history, or the military, or good storytelling, or frostbite, or whatever, you owe it to yourself to check this out. I'll put it this way: if you liked Saving Private Ryan even a teensy bit, you will bow down and worship the box these DVDs come in. I'm also recommending In Bruges, which is in the theater now. Yes, it's Colin Farrell, but he actually does a really good job. I will warn, though, it's a pretty dark comedy, so if you're the kind of person who can't ever find attempted suicide funny, it's probably not for you.

I think that's enough for one post. Wouldn't want you to get spoiled, now, would I? TTFN!!!

2 spewed back:

Anonymous said...

Bad bad bad! I wanna go to Vegas... well anywhere really. Awesome so you better have some cool blog posts when you get back. And none of that "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" excuses, that stuff is ripe for blogging.

And yeah Band of Brothers is great...

Anonymous said...

I was behind - there were actually two new posts to read for me! I've been out of commition for more than a week - long story - I'll email you direct. Glad to hear you are feeling better. I borrowed Band of Brothers from my brother for about two years and never found the time to watch it. Someday... It's on the list. Enjoy your trip! :)