...in which I will tell y'all about the rest of my trip, mostly. I'm saving my experience at Star Trek: The Experience for another day when I'm feeling more poetical, because it really deserves a sonnet or something. Now where did I leave off?
Ah yes, Saturday. Got up and all of us went to the champagne brunch at the Bellagio. I may have developed an unnatural relationship with some pineapple danish, but no one had a big enough purse for me to smuggle any out. It was definitely the best buffet brunch I've ever had. Highly recommended. After that we all walked around a bit, and then I went back to the Flamingo for a bit of a nap as I had majorly over-done things on Friday. After the rest of the crew got back, I packed up my stuff & went with mom & dad to the condo in the sticks (which was very nice and not anywhere near the strip), thus leaving the Flamingo room to Ethan & Becky for "date night". We picked up some BBQ on the way and spent the rest of the evening in 3 different rooms watching 3 different TVs. They had MTV2 so I even got to catch some Beavis & Butthead.
Sunday morning Ethan & Becky had to check out of the Flamingo and move their stuff to the sticks. Then we went to the Carnegie Deli at the Mirage for lunch. The pastrami was everything I hoped it would be. Then we split up so I could go to the Hilton for ST:TE and the winning of the moolah. As I said, I'll talk about the Star Trek thing later, but after I was done, I played some penny slots for a while and won $600. Unfortunately, I had to go over to the Dark Side to do it. I think I'm OK with my decision, though. They have better clothes, anyway. While this was going on, dad & Ethan went to a car show at the Imperial Palace and mom & Becky wandered around gambling and such.
After all that, we went downtown to have supper and wander around the Fremont Street Experience for a bit. We had the buffet at the Golden Nugget, which surprised us all by being excellent. They were making fresh sushi to order! Granted, there were a limited number of choices, but still. We then wandered around and watched a couple of the shows they play on the canopy over the street (which is apparently the largest video screen in the world), which were pretty cool. Then we went home and all went to bed early. On Monday morning, breakfast was prepared at the condo and I flitted off to the airport. One boring flight later and I was back in the land of ice and snow. Whoo. Overall, it was a really fun trip, even without the added bonus of paying for it with my winnings.
I promise pictures of the new cat (his name is Linus) as soon as I find the USB cable for my camera. I know which pile it's in, I just haven't begun excavation. Hope everyone had a nice Zombie Jesus day and that all is well. TTFN!!
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