
HOW is pro wrestling Sci-Fi?!?!?

Arrgh! What are they thinking? Anyhoo, just a short post today. I've been house-sitting for my aunt & uncle for the past week with no internet which is why it's been so long. I wanted to use this post to send a big, public "ThanksforputingupwithmeevenwhenI'mbeingkindofajerk" to my friend S.S. She (and I'm sure some of the rest of you) knows who she is. She is be far one of my favorite people in the world, and I've been a pretty crappy friend lately. She and her family have been having a rough go of things lately, and I didn't even know about it until weeks after the fact because I'm about as good at reading my email as I am at opening my snail mail. I know that things will get better, because she is a person who definitely deserves to have good things happen to her. I love her to pieces and thank her for sticking by me through everything and anything. In an attempt to make her laugh I have included the following link to the First Reformed Church of Spongebob. It's super-easy to join, and you don't even have to give up your current religion. Pretty cool if you ask me! TTFN!!!

2 spewed back:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the meeeeemoriesssss!

Anonymous said...

Oh in regards to pro-wrestling being sci-fi... there was a Nintendo game once and it had the wrestler Starman, he came froma far away star to do just that, wrestle. Not to annihilate us, not to teach us of the universe... just wrestle. With guys. In leotards.