OK, so it's not technically MY cable company, but they do hate me. Or maybe it's the idiots at ESPN who didn't bid for the NHL playoffs this year. Whoever it is, this is the fifth game of the Stanley Cup and only the 4th playoff game I've seen, and 2 of those were before I moved. **mutter, blah, stupid OLN, gargh** OK, I feel a little better.
So let's see, I believe we left off with me taking medication that wasn't mine. Well, my cousin freaked out and called my parents. I was upset at the time, but now I can see why she did it. I think that was on Friday morning. My parents came Saturday morning and we all sat down to decide what needed to be done. It was during this fun little discussion that my cousin informed me that she couldn't have me living there any more. Again, I can see her reasons now, but at the time - not great. After some discussion, we (actually mostly they, because I didn't care AT ALL at that point) decided to take me to the ER and see what they had to say. That was around noon, and by 4 PM I was admitted to a locked ward at Regions Hospital. The social worker wanted to get me on the depression floor, but it was full so I got put on a general psych floor. I will probably tell some fun stories about my stay at some point, but not right now. I was in there for a week, and overall it was a positive experience. There were a few very One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest moments, but that was interesting, too.
On a completely different note, I have another word to add to my list. Addicting. Since addict is not a verb, pistachios cannot be addicting. They could, however, be described using the adjective addictive. Thus concludes your English lesson for the day. TTFN!!
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