
Canoe is still hawt!

I'm writing this while watching the Oscars, and I don't care how ...duhhhhh... he is, Keanu Reeves is hot. They're letting Sandra Bullock do most of the talking, though. Good idea.

So I kind of made a Valentine's Day resolution, which is to make a concerted effort to become less of a hermit. When I sat down and really thought about it, I realized I hadn't had a real conversation with anyone who wasn't either living with me or related to me in over a month. That's not cool. I think I made a good start last night with my chili feed. There were Solbergs in attendance, as well as some Andersons. Babies were oohhed over and toddlers said funny things. My hockey team won in fine fashion and everyone went home with leftovers. Tra-la! I think everyone had fun.

For those of you who haven't yet been included in my de-hermiting, I've been having a pretty hard time lately. I think I'll just lay the whole thing out so I don't have to tell it a bunch of times to a bunch of people. So, here goes...

There's no one event that really started the downward spiral, other than the fact that in the summer of 2005 I was feeling fantastic. I was working full time, going to the lake on the weekends, and generally living a pretty normal life (other than that whole living-with-my-parents thing). I guess I got lulled into a false sense of normalcy. I decided it was time to go back to school (yeah, I know, but that's a WHOLE other can 'o worms) and move out of my parents' house. I'd been looking at a program for engineering drafting for a couple of years, but always decided it wasn't really practical to start a whole new degree from scratch when I'm so close to having my bachelor's. Well, I finally decided that finishing my BA wasn't something I cared a whit about, which is probably the reason it hasn't happened. I wanted to do something that would make me happy. I felt like I hadn't done that in a very long time. So I got admitted to the school and took my cousin Sue up on her long-standing offer of a place to live. At the end of October I packed my crap and moved to St. Paul.

When I moved, it was with the understanding that I would have to work while going to school, because the place I was going was considerably more expensive than any of the other institutions of higher learning I've attended in the past. So in a couple of weeks I was supposed to : 1. Move to a new city, 2. Start a new school, and 3. Find a new job. A tall order for a regular healthy person, but as I somehow manage to forget from time to time, I am not a normal healthy person.

Speaking of not healthy, I'm sorry to end this at this point, but I really need to go make myself something to eat so I can take my meds and get to bed at a decent hour. I promise I'll finish the rest soon. In the meantime, check this article out, because it sums up pretty well what it's like to live in my body. The Spoon Theory

Until next time, thanks for reading!!!

1 spewed back:

Shawn said...

Welcome to the blog world, it's a fun place to be!