
Someone help the Wild!

They need to remember how to win! Maybe they should practice with the Gophers for a while ;)

Therefore, since today is Thursday, I'm going to talk a bit about the incredibly, incredibly weird stuff on Adult Swim, which is shown late at night on the Cartoon Network. This lineup features shows about things such as a talking ass who happens to be a detective, a crime-fighting force made up of a box of fries, a shake, and a wad of ground meat, and what is, in my opinion, the stupidest show ever made, Family Guy. And some random deity help me, I love them ALL. Even Family Guy, which I hate. OK, actually, the newest one, which is called Assy McGee, makes me angry and I don't watch it, but all the rest are like crack for me. I don't know what it is. One of my favorites is Home Movies, which is about an eight year-old kid who fancies himself a filmmaker. It's absurd and ridiculous, and I love it. The kookier, the better.

I'm also going on record and saying that I like cartoons, period. Well, not all of them, but I think everyone who bothers with this blog knows of my unnatural obsession with Spongebob Squarepants. And I don't think this makes me any less of an adult. I know there are older, more "mature" folk out there who will point to my love of cartoons as a sign of immaturity. Well, to those people I say - It's rude to point. So critics be darned, I am a 32 year-old watcher of The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, and I refuse to apologize for it! TTFN!!



I *heart* hockey. That's all, nothing profound about it.

Thinking, on the other hand... I used to *heart* it. I used to be good at it. Now, not so much. So what do you do when a big part of how you identify yourself as a person changes? How do you reach out to people who don't understand for a single second what you're going through? What if they don't like you anymore? What if the thing you've pinned your identity on for so long is the only thing people liked about you? How do you make them understand that forgetting things like birthdays isn't becuase you're an inconsiderate, self-absorbed ass? How do you create a whole new identity for yourself when it doesn't feel like you have anything else to offer people?

OK, that was muy depressing. I don't know how to end this, so TTFN!!


Daniel Craig is nummy

I saw the new Bond movie last night, and in the immortal words of the fat, pimply South Park kids, it was "uber-cool"! The new 007 is hot, and ruthless, and a major badass. Awesome! The foot chase near the beginning is one of the coolest chase scenes ever. It was also funny in parts and not nearly as cheesy as some of the past Bond films. Definitely a must-see.

Ahh, Thanksgiving. It's tomorrow, and since my bro is in Michigan visiting his new lady-friend, my parents and I are going out. Of course, we'll cook a turkey with all of the stuff on Saturday, but hopefully it will involve less drama than an actual Thanksgiving dinner.

Hope everyone has a great holiday! TTFN!!


Vote, dammit!

Nothing about me today, just want to make sure y'all get out and VOTE! I don't care who you vote for, just as long as you do it. In Minnesota it is easy, easy, easy to do, so no excuses! Even if you don't know anything about your local races, at least go and vote for governor, or senator, or there's a transportation amendment thingy, too. Your ballot is still counted even if you don't vote in every race. This site gives you all the info you'll need in one easy package. There's info there on where to vote, what you need to register, and also some good info on the constitutional amendment on the ballot. Please, please, please vote. Seriously. I will haunt you if you don't. I know where you live. TTFN!!


Bring back DST!

Well, I'm at six months post-loony bin and I feel like crap. I know I've made forward progress and that I've achieved some really positive things in the past six months, but at this moment in time, I feel just as lousy as I did when I checked in to the previously mentioned psych ward. I saw my med lady last week, and she asked if I had ever considered ECT. Um, yeah. When it is working properly, I like my brain the way it is, thankyouverymuch. Plus the fact that there are whole families of meds that we haven't even tried yet. Keep your electrodes to yourself, devil-woman.

There is a therapy out there that I have used in the past with success for my SAD, but because of my Lupus, I can't do it anymore. And since the weather has started changing, some of my Lupus things have been acting up, which necessitates going back on prednisone, which can cause depression. Arrghh!!! It's like a lose-lose-lose-lose situation. Which is extremely uncool. I haven't yet reached the point of not wanting to try anything more and just wallow in my misery, though, so that's good.

I'm having some issues with people not getting it. And by "it" I mean the fact that I am not this way on purpose, and that I don't forget things because I'm lazy, etc. Some of my friends and family do. Get it, that is. They understand that if I could snap out of this, I would. Contrary to what some people might think, I do not enjoy being flaky and irresponsible. The fact of the matter is that my neurons are not firing properly, and I am doing everything I can to fix that, but it's a long, exhausting process. The reason I don't call people is not because I don't need my friends now more than ever, it's because part of my brain is telling me I'm worthless and nobody would want to talk to me anyway. There is a part of me that knows that's not true, but right now it's pretty hard to find. I am having a lot of trouble lately remembering why anyone would want to bother putting up with me.

Sorry for the downer post, and I'm really sorry if it doesn't make any sense. My brain function is really in a slump at the moment. I tried reading an actual article in the paper yesterday, and I had to read it twice just to get the point. This is all really frustrating for me, especially since being the "smart" one is part of my identity.

To end on a positive note, the Gophers swept Colorado College (Saturday night was a bloodbath!), and new episodes of ATHF are on the television. So things could be worse. TTFN!!


Surefire recipe for a migrane...

...take 1 part driving in the dark, a generous sprinkling of snow storm, throw in a dash of Black Flag on the cd player and voila! Instant headache. Good thinking, dorkmeister. In happier news, K-Fed was on CSI tonight and he ROCKED! Seriously! I smell Emmy! He's so multi-talented, it's really not fair.

I'm having fall-brain issues today, and therefore can't think of a single interesting thing to write about. Or an uninteresting thing. Which I suppose is interesting in itself. Or uninteresting. Whatever, I'm going to bed. TTFN!!


Titles are for losers.

Ahoy. I've just realized that I did not blog the entire month of September. Bleh. Fall bites. Not the season itself, just the whole days getting shorter, going off daylight savings time, etc. Actually, I have a theory that the legislature meets in the winter so that people with SAD aren't able to lobby to stay on DST all the time. We're all too depressed to leave the house. Now, if there was a session in the summer, we'd be all over that. DST would have become CST years ago.

Actually, I really like fall as a season. Cooler weather, humidity is pretty much gone, all that jazz. It's fall that gives us those days that make summer steamy and winter frozen all worth it. It's good that school starts before those, though, otherwise all the tourists who are here for summer would figure it out and move here. And really, who needs that?

In other news, I am, according to the Social Security Administration, disabled. That's right, I'm so screwed I made it through in the first round. Woo-hoo. I guess it's a good thing, because now I'll have some money coming in each month, but at the same time, it's a label that a lot of people hear and assume things. Things which may or may not be true. The things that were true before are still the same; I'm still not particularly motivated, or goal-oriented, but that isn't because I'm disabled. I'm also still smarter than most people and interested in a lot of different things, but are people going to care once they hear the label? Overall it's a good thing, but I'm still struggling with some of it.

I was going to end with something about the upcoming election, but if you can't figure out for yourself that the GOP is running the state and the country into the crapper, I really can't help you. Anyhoo, Gopher hockey tomorrow, AND the Battlestar Galactica premier. What to do, what to do? TTFN!!


Feeling very un-wordy today...

Not much to report. Mostly just a quick post before I head off to The Lake so no one thinks I ran off to join the circus. Although, I suppose the circus probably has an internet connection somewhere. Anyway, have a great weekend!


I miss sushi!

Truly. The lack of even bad sushi around here is pathetic. Luckily, I'm headed to the Twin Cities for a couple of days for a Dr. appointment, so the bro and I are going to go eat some tomorrow night. Woo hoo! Crunchy roll...mmmmmmm! Going to the rheumatologist on Thursday and then Cory & I are having a Lord of the Rings marathon on Friday. For anyone who doesn't know, Cory is my godson. He'll be twelve in September. He's pretty much the smartest, coolest kid on the planet, but I may be a little bit biased. He's kind of a jock, but also coming along quite nicely in the geekier arts. When he grows up he wants to be a professional baseball player, or an architect, or a gemologist. Awesome!

Ooooh, oooh!! Futomaki!

I had kind of a crappy weekend. I started a new medication on Friday that is actually an anti-narcoleptic which was intended to give me more energy. Instead what it did was make me crazy-like. So there goes another idea down the tubes.

I was truly intending to write more tonight, but I find I've totally lost any train of thought I might have started with. Sushi is distracting. As is Age of Mythology. Those little dwarves are so cute! Anyway, happy Unagi to all and to all a good night. TTFN!!


Detective Crazypants rules!

I love Law and Order Criminal Intent. Detective Goren is awesome. And wacky. He's wacksome. Or awecky. I'm just back from a week at THE LAKE and not feeling rested, or refreshed, or like a whole new person. Bleh. I was kind of hoping for a miraculous turnaround induced by rocks, trees and the world's largest freshwater lake. No such luck. On a positive note, though, my cat did NOT pee on me or my car on the ride home. I'm going to see me med lady tomorrow, and I feel better than the last time I saw her, but about the same as the time before that. So, no progress overall. Hopefully she has some ideas.

On a completely seperate plane of existence, I had forgotten that Laurence Fishburne was on Pee Wee's Playhouse. It's weird to see Morpheus with a curly mullet and cow print shirt. That's all for now, I have a headache. TTFN!!


Sucking suckiness really sucks

I feel like crap, and not in a good way. I'm in the middle of a med change and the one I just went off of was one I had been on the max dose of for about three years. I feel barfity puke yuck. I don't want to get out of bed, I don't want to talk to anyone, I don't want to eat, I don't want to sleep, I don't want to be awake. I'm having a big ol' pity party today. I'm in full-on whymewhythiswhatdidIdotodeservethis mode. Which doesn't help anything. Cripes. I'd like to have one day to feel "normal" just so I know what it feels like. Gah. Enough of this. I'm going to watch The 4400. Awesome show, you should check it out. In other good news, new Stargate episodes this Friday. See, life's not so bad after all. TTFN!!


Yes, the blog is hella ugly

The lease ran out on the space I was using to house my style sheets, graphics, etc. and I have yet to get them moved. Mostly because my internet is so slow, but partly because I don't care or feel like it. In fact, I don't feel like blogging for reasons I don't feel like blogging about, so that's about all for now. TTFN!


HOW is pro wrestling Sci-Fi?!?!?

Arrgh! What are they thinking? Anyhoo, just a short post today. I've been house-sitting for my aunt & uncle for the past week with no internet which is why it's been so long. I wanted to use this post to send a big, public "ThanksforputingupwithmeevenwhenI'mbeingkindofajerk" to my friend S.S. She (and I'm sure some of the rest of you) knows who she is. She is be far one of my favorite people in the world, and I've been a pretty crappy friend lately. She and her family have been having a rough go of things lately, and I didn't even know about it until weeks after the fact because I'm about as good at reading my email as I am at opening my snail mail. I know that things will get better, because she is a person who definitely deserves to have good things happen to her. I love her to pieces and thank her for sticking by me through everything and anything. In an attempt to make her laugh I have included the following link to the First Reformed Church of Spongebob. It's super-easy to join, and you don't even have to give up your current religion. Pretty cool if you ask me! TTFN!!!


Why does my cable company hate me so?

OK, so it's not technically MY cable company, but they do hate me. Or maybe it's the idiots at ESPN who didn't bid for the NHL playoffs this year. Whoever it is, this is the fifth game of the Stanley Cup and only the 4th playoff game I've seen, and 2 of those were before I moved. **mutter, blah, stupid OLN, gargh** OK, I feel a little better.

So let's see, I believe we left off with me taking medication that wasn't mine. Well, my cousin freaked out and called my parents. I was upset at the time, but now I can see why she did it. I think that was on Friday morning. My parents came Saturday morning and we all sat down to decide what needed to be done. It was during this fun little discussion that my cousin informed me that she couldn't have me living there any more. Again, I can see her reasons now, but at the time - not great. After some discussion, we (actually mostly they, because I didn't care AT ALL at that point) decided to take me to the ER and see what they had to say. That was around noon, and by 4 PM I was admitted to a locked ward at Regions Hospital. The social worker wanted to get me on the depression floor, but it was full so I got put on a general psych floor. I will probably tell some fun stories about my stay at some point, but not right now. I was in there for a week, and overall it was a positive experience. There were a few very One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest moments, but that was interesting, too.

On a completely different note, I have another word to add to my list. Addicting. Since addict is not a verb, pistachios cannot be addicting. They could, however, be described using the adjective addictive. Thus concludes your English lesson for the day. TTFN!!


I like New Kids on the Block...

...and I don't care who knows! So there! I also watched Bring It On this afternoon for about the tenth time. I could shock you with many other things that I like that are so far from cool that the light from cool takes 98 million years to reach them, but that's for another day. I have a headache at the moment, so I'm not going to post about anything heavy. Or about anything else, for that matter. Just thought I'd let you contemplate my sad taste in music and movies. TTFN!!


Is chocolate ice cream good for cats?

~Insert some sort of intro here because I don't feel like writing one~

So, April. That was a crappy, crappy month. I hadn't been feeling anything approaching good up until then, but I took a bit of a nosedive the last two weeks of April. I was so immobilized by the depression that I wasn't even getting off the couch to go out and get my prescriptions refilled. Consequently, I wasn't taking my medication the way I am supposed to, which increased my physical symptoms, which, in turn, increased my depression. I was in a lot of physical pain and overmedicating with Vicodin, which is, all together now, "A DEPRESSANT". Der. I actually went through a month's supply in about two weeks. Not good. After I was done with those, I took a few of some leftover percoset my cousin had. Then on the second-to-last Thursday, I was in tons of pain and it wasn't going away, so I took a couple of my cousin's sleeping pills. Anyone sensing a pattern? Keara was not in her right mind.

Yeah, that's enough for tonight. Sorry for the cliffhanger, but I'm tired. Plus, to answer my earlier question, my cat just puked so I should go clean that up. TTFN!!


Where the *$%# have you been?!?!?

Well, I guess I've been putting this off long enough. However, I can't do this all in one post, so be patient. To summarize: I kind of went off the deep end and am now back living with my parents. No worries, I'm (relatively) healthy at the moment and working on the happy part. I'm doing the therapy thing, which is giving me lots to think about. I may even be asking for some help from y'all once in a while. Nothing too strenuous, I promise.

OK, that's enough for tonight. If I tried to sit down and tell the whole story at once, I'd never do it, so small chunks are the way to go. I hope all of you are well, and I apologize for my lack of acting like I was still on the planet. TTFN!


Arise, chicken

Gotta love the ATHF. I know it's been a retardedly long time since I've posted, but I'm not actually going to post right now. Just wanted to inform everyone that I am aware of the length of time that has passed since my last post, and I am working on it. In the meantime, check this out. TTFN!!


Stupid Wisconsin

I'm sitting here still watching the triple overtime between Wisconsin and Cornell. I don't know why. I really don't care. Also, I already know who won because apparently FSN North is showing it on a tape delay. So, why am I still watching? I really don't know. Whatever. There's a Nazi thing coming on at ten, so it's buh-bye hockey then.

A fairly non-productive weekend, overall. I did get to try a new restaurant last night, though. It was Taste of Thailand on Selby Ave in St. Paul. Yum. I was afraid I wasn't going to find anything on the menu, as I don't like curry and Pad Thai is not my favorite. I shouldn't have worried. I actually had a hard time making up my mind. I ended up with a whole trout that was deep-fried and then covered in stir-fried pineapple and veggies. It had kind of a sweet sauce, and it was nummy. Go Thai food!

Well, the Nazi thing is starting, so I'm going to go. I've always been fascinated with the whole Nazi phenomenon. I just can't get my mind around so MANY people going SO insane all at once. Although, Stalin was a much scarier guy than Hitler, but that's another story. Hope everyone had a good weekend. TTFN!!!


I *heart* Vicodin

Don't freak, I'm not on the road to needing rehab or anything like that. It's just nice to have something that actually helps for the occasional times when I have pain that is unusually annoying. It also give me kind of a warm fuzzy feeling, which is OK, too.

On the way back from Rochester today (memorial service was very nice, btw) I saw a bumper sticker that said "Support our troops - Club a protester". Oh for the love of Pete. That ranks right up there on my list of stupid bumper stickers. Protesters aren't protesting because they have anything against the troops. They're doing it because the way the US got in to it in the first place and how it has been handled all the way through has been ham-handed at best and illegal and immoral at worst. They're protesting because Bush is...OK, I'm not going to go there, because I want to go to bed soon. Anyway, moronic bumper sticker of the week.

I'm starting a list, actually I've had the list for a while, but now I'm going to commit it to paper. OK, actually to a bunch of ones and zeros floating around cyberspace, but you get the picture. This is a vocabulary list of sorts. Basically these are words which, if I discover a potential suitor uses on a regular basis, will prevent said suitor from continuing in his, um, suiting. I'll add to it as it grows. To start with: exspecially, supposably, exscape, nuke-you-ler. That is all for now.

I'm signing off now, as I must get up early to go over to the brother's place to watch the hockey so I can be done in time for the hockey. I do enjoy the hockey. TTFN!!


Nothing deep or meaningful

I watched the season premier of South Park tonight. SOOOOOOOOOOOO messed up. I'd love to sit in on one of Matt & Trey's therapy sessions. SOOOO incredibly messed up. But in a pretty damn funny way. Craziness. I've got tons of stuff to do and yet I'm sitting here. Shocking, I know. A friend called me the other night because her husband clicked past Spongebob Squarepants on the TV and it made him think of me. I can't help loving him. He's yellow and he has a snail/cat named Gary. What's not to love?!? I've just realized this is jumping around topics in a stream-of-consciousness kind of way, so I'm just not going to bother with paragraphs. I have to go to a memorial service tomorrow in Rochester for my cousin's grandmother, who was kind of like a third grandma to me. I don't like funerals, etc. I pretty much suck at saying anything that doesn't sound dumb, and I'm not a crier, so I always wonder if people think I don't give a crap. Which isn't true, but for me, the funeral doesn't provide any additional closure, or whatever. For me the person dying is plenty of closure right there, thank you. Big important hockey game tomorrow, which I'm probably not going to be back in time to watch, so my brother is recording it on his DVR. Which means I'll have to get my ass out of bed on Saturday if I'm going to have time to watch all of the evening's festivities before the championship game on Saturday. I'm filled with a sense of dread. I mean, St. Cloud. Come ON! Anyway. I really think the small ice will be no friend of the Gophers. Here's hoping they prove me wrong. My cat is snoring on the other end of the couch at the moment, even as she shoots fur into the atmosphere. Cats rule. I got a magnet yesterday that says "The cat's seat is wherever you were planning to sit". Awesome. OK, I really need to go at least figure out if I need to iron anything for tomorrow, since no matter how good my intentions, there's no way I'll get up early to do it in the morning. TTFN!!


Here we go again

OK, so where was I? Oh, right, supposed to start school, get a job, etc. Yeah, not so much. I was really enjoying school and actually doing very well, but unfortunately, they didn't want to actually pay me to attend. Go figure. So I decided to put school off, yet again (still a whole other can of worms) and get a job. Yeah, that lasted about a month until I just couldn't get myself out the door to work anymore, either.

Which brings us to now. I have decided to swallow my middle-class issues and apply for General Assistance. AKA, welfare, people. I'm also starting the process of applying for Social Security disability, which could take any where from 3 months to 2 1/2 years. Fun.

The reasons for my change of attitude are many, but one positive thing I've done since I've moved here is to get in touch with the Lupus Foundation of MN. I've also done a LOT of thinking, soul-searching, what have you, and figured out that I've been kind of stuck in the denial stage since I was diagnosed back in 1994. I've been operating under the delusion that I am still basically a normal person, when the truth of the matter is, I'm just not. Now don't get all excited, I'm not saying I'm going to just roll over and become a sick person. What I'm talking about is a change of perspective, and accepting that my body works differently than most people's.

A big part of that is letting go of expectations I have for how my life should be. The simple fact is, I can't do as much as other people. I have to listen to my body, and go at my own pace. I think that all these years I've been trying to go to school, or work, or whatever, I've been trying to be the person I thought I was supposed to be. The truth is, I'm not her. I may never be her again, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing. I just need to adjust my thinking. And I'm going to need other people to adjust theirs, too. I'm going to need the people close to me to realize that, even though I don't LOOK sick, I am. Some days are much better than others, but even on the best days, I still don't feel "normal".

In other news, there really isn't any. I'm working on the miles of red tape that go along with any government programs and trying to get involved with a support group. I'm also trying to get myself to post in this blog thingy on a regular basis. Hee. Anyway, I'm all typed out for now, so I'm going to sign off. TTFN!!


What is Master Shake a master of, anyway?

I'm a bad girl. I should be continuing my previous post about my "issues" but I don't feel like it. So there. I'm sitting here watching Aqua Teen Hunger Force. This is one severely weird show. This episode features a cow in a diaper who is Meatwad's favorite rapper. Erm... Anyway, my goal is to take some time tomorrow afternoon to finish my memoirs. We'll see how that goes. TTFN!!


Canoe is still hawt!

I'm writing this while watching the Oscars, and I don't care how ...duhhhhh... he is, Keanu Reeves is hot. They're letting Sandra Bullock do most of the talking, though. Good idea.

So I kind of made a Valentine's Day resolution, which is to make a concerted effort to become less of a hermit. When I sat down and really thought about it, I realized I hadn't had a real conversation with anyone who wasn't either living with me or related to me in over a month. That's not cool. I think I made a good start last night with my chili feed. There were Solbergs in attendance, as well as some Andersons. Babies were oohhed over and toddlers said funny things. My hockey team won in fine fashion and everyone went home with leftovers. Tra-la! I think everyone had fun.

For those of you who haven't yet been included in my de-hermiting, I've been having a pretty hard time lately. I think I'll just lay the whole thing out so I don't have to tell it a bunch of times to a bunch of people. So, here goes...

There's no one event that really started the downward spiral, other than the fact that in the summer of 2005 I was feeling fantastic. I was working full time, going to the lake on the weekends, and generally living a pretty normal life (other than that whole living-with-my-parents thing). I guess I got lulled into a false sense of normalcy. I decided it was time to go back to school (yeah, I know, but that's a WHOLE other can 'o worms) and move out of my parents' house. I'd been looking at a program for engineering drafting for a couple of years, but always decided it wasn't really practical to start a whole new degree from scratch when I'm so close to having my bachelor's. Well, I finally decided that finishing my BA wasn't something I cared a whit about, which is probably the reason it hasn't happened. I wanted to do something that would make me happy. I felt like I hadn't done that in a very long time. So I got admitted to the school and took my cousin Sue up on her long-standing offer of a place to live. At the end of October I packed my crap and moved to St. Paul.

When I moved, it was with the understanding that I would have to work while going to school, because the place I was going was considerably more expensive than any of the other institutions of higher learning I've attended in the past. So in a couple of weeks I was supposed to : 1. Move to a new city, 2. Start a new school, and 3. Find a new job. A tall order for a regular healthy person, but as I somehow manage to forget from time to time, I am not a normal healthy person.

Speaking of not healthy, I'm sorry to end this at this point, but I really need to go make myself something to eat so I can take my meds and get to bed at a decent hour. I promise I'll finish the rest soon. In the meantime, check this article out, because it sums up pretty well what it's like to live in my body. The Spoon Theory

Until next time, thanks for reading!!!


Lamb is yucky...

I'm watching Iron Chef (the original, not that crappy American ripoff), and tonight's ingredient is lamb. They just said something about shins. I don't think I want to eat lamb shins. Anyway. Not much going on, still unemployed and directionless. Got a message from the manager of the nearby Leeann Chin and he wants to interview me on Monday. Gaaaahhhh! I DON'T want to do food service. At this point, though, I really can't afford to be picky.

(Now I will whine. If you wish to skip the whining, feel free.) Money sucks. Whoever invented it should be shot. I'm sure it was some ancient Sumerian who didn't realize how miserable she would be making me in the future, but I hate her anyway. I know life wouldn't be perfect if I had money, but it sure would be a helluva lot easier. (That concludes the whining portion of this post.)

Huh. Lamb has a filet mignon. Who knew?


Gophers vs. CC

So, will the Gophs be able to take advantage of the fact that CC got abso-freakin-lutely spanked by Wisconsin last weekend? Or is getting spanked by Wisconsin such a given these days that it doesn't even faze the Tigers? Woog says CC wins tonight, so no worries for Friday (heh), but a sweep would be awfully nice to take to Wisconsin next week. My problem is that there's nothing to really really HATE about CC, so I'm not in my usual Friday night foam right now. We shall see...

Woo-hoo! Firefly!

I am kind of bummed about Star Trek coming in last, though.

Serenity (from Firefly)


SG-1 (from Stargate)


Millennium Falcon (from Star Wars)


Nebuchadnezzar (from The Matrix)


Moya (from Farscape)


Galactica (from Battlestar: Galactica)


Bebop (from Cowboy Bebop)


Enterprise D (from Star Trek)


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