
Detective Crazypants rules!

I love Law and Order Criminal Intent. Detective Goren is awesome. And wacky. He's wacksome. Or awecky. I'm just back from a week at THE LAKE and not feeling rested, or refreshed, or like a whole new person. Bleh. I was kind of hoping for a miraculous turnaround induced by rocks, trees and the world's largest freshwater lake. No such luck. On a positive note, though, my cat did NOT pee on me or my car on the ride home. I'm going to see me med lady tomorrow, and I feel better than the last time I saw her, but about the same as the time before that. So, no progress overall. Hopefully she has some ideas.

On a completely seperate plane of existence, I had forgotten that Laurence Fishburne was on Pee Wee's Playhouse. It's weird to see Morpheus with a curly mullet and cow print shirt. That's all for now, I have a headache. TTFN!!

2 spewed back:

Shawn said...

I like the new blog look, very classy. BTW, thanks for your long post on my blog. I did want to post a follow up to both yours and my bro's comments but never got around to it.

Your point is well said, and it makes sense. I hadn't thought of it that way... that my responsibilty is to Megan, to make sure I know what is going on in the world - at least as it relates to her.

Anyway, keep up with the blog posts, and hope all goes well with the med lady!

Anonymous said...

Hey Keara
Glad to catch up on your blog, I found a link to your blog on Shawn's blog. Our computer crashed a couple weeks ago and I lost all my favorites and email address book, photos, etc. Computers suck, when they don't work right... Anyway, your blog is back on my favorites list on my nice new shiny computer. :)