
Is chocolate ice cream good for cats?

~Insert some sort of intro here because I don't feel like writing one~

So, April. That was a crappy, crappy month. I hadn't been feeling anything approaching good up until then, but I took a bit of a nosedive the last two weeks of April. I was so immobilized by the depression that I wasn't even getting off the couch to go out and get my prescriptions refilled. Consequently, I wasn't taking my medication the way I am supposed to, which increased my physical symptoms, which, in turn, increased my depression. I was in a lot of physical pain and overmedicating with Vicodin, which is, all together now, "A DEPRESSANT". Der. I actually went through a month's supply in about two weeks. Not good. After I was done with those, I took a few of some leftover percoset my cousin had. Then on the second-to-last Thursday, I was in tons of pain and it wasn't going away, so I took a couple of my cousin's sleeping pills. Anyone sensing a pattern? Keara was not in her right mind.

Yeah, that's enough for tonight. Sorry for the cliffhanger, but I'm tired. Plus, to answer my earlier question, my cat just puked so I should go clean that up. TTFN!!

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